In the hours since Osama bin Laden was finally killed, I have seen all too many who seem to think that this means the war on terror is over. Nothing could be farther from the truth, and this idea isn't just foolish, it is downright stupid.
The head has been cut off of the snake, and perhaps that will harm them and maybe even lead to their ultimate destruction. But Islamic Jihad isn't nearly as simple as our older enemies who could clearly see a point when they were defeated. Unlike the Japanese or the Germans, Islamists fully believe that, no matter what, they will go to paradise for their actions
This mentality in our day means that they have absolutely no concern for the lives of anyone. Any Muslim killed when they act will be sent to paradise. The use of nuclear weapons, even if it involved murdering millions of Muslims but "only" thousands of non-Muslims, would be fully justifiable to these monsters.
If we get complacent now, that is the inevitable outcome. You only need a few people with that mindset to destroy entire cities. With the billions of people on this planet, and the thousands dedicated to the destruction of the West, complacency will cause that destruction.
Israel has been fighting terrorists for decades. The "Palestinians" were offered their own state back in 2000, complete with territory connecting Gaza with Judea and Samaria. The response? A terror war that claimed over 1000 innocent Israeli lives. Do a basic population comparison with America, and you get 30,000 Americans.
The demands of Muslim terrorists were met and the response was more terror. This will always be true. Unless all Muslim extremists are wiped from the face of the Earth, they will always have some problem with us. Even if they stop fighting us, they will push their indoctrinated populations to move in among us and slowly begin twisting our nations until there is nothing left of our former freedom. This has already happened in Turkey. A nation once seen as a hallmark of peace, democracy and stability in the Muslim world, it is now all but controlled by the Islamists.
The world has to make a choice. We can continue fighting until the war is won, or we can try to live in peace with people who wish us harm.
Just look at Israel to see how well that works.
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