Obviously, I haven't been here for some time. This is for various personal reasons, but also because I find I want to write about more than just Israel. I am shutting down this blog and moving to a wordpress blog, http://crazyjew.wordpress.com. Nothing there, yet, but this blog will be shut down and deleted shortly.
That blog will have my real name and I will include more posts about more topics, in politics as well as my own activities and interests.
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Something is wrong with this picture.
It appears that the man responsible for the terrorist attack in Norway was pro-Israel, of all things.
Before going further, I must make myself very clear; this man's actions were completely unacceptable. By murdering almost 100 innocent people, regardless of their views, he is no better than Osama bin Laden, and he deserves the same fate.
But there is so much here that doesn't make sense. At first glance, his ideology seems to be spot on.
But then this shows up.
The primary scourge of the Jewish people for millennia had not been Muslims, or even Arabs, but Europeans in general. Every European Zionist I've ever met understands this. This seems out of character to me and an illogical view for a Zionist to hold. On the other hand, this would be exactly how an Islamic terrorist trying to impersonate a pro-Zionist would perceive Zionism.
This man's views seem too perfect. I could be wrong, but I have to wonder if this man is a plant meant to stir up hatred. If this man is exactly as he claims to be, he not only did the worst act possible for his ideology, he has likely caused massive damage to the credibility of Zionism. No one sane could possibly think that this kind of an atrocity could ever be useful to Israel.
The only possibilities I can see is that this man is either a terrorist plant, or he is insane.
Before going further, I must make myself very clear; this man's actions were completely unacceptable. By murdering almost 100 innocent people, regardless of their views, he is no better than Osama bin Laden, and he deserves the same fate.
But there is so much here that doesn't make sense. At first glance, his ideology seems to be spot on.
In one passage, he lashes out at the western media which he accuses of unfairly focusing on the wrongdoing of Jews, saying “western journalists again and again systematically ignore serious Muslim attacks and rather focus on the Jews.”
But then this shows up.
He also says that Israel is the homeland for Jews largely due to the persecution suffered by Jews at the hands of Muslims, saying “if one acknowledges that Islam has always oppressed the Jews, one accepts that Israel was a necessary refuge for the Jews fleeing not only the European but also the Islamic variety of anti-Judaism.”
The primary scourge of the Jewish people for millennia had not been Muslims, or even Arabs, but Europeans in general. Every European Zionist I've ever met understands this. This seems out of character to me and an illogical view for a Zionist to hold. On the other hand, this would be exactly how an Islamic terrorist trying to impersonate a pro-Zionist would perceive Zionism.
This man's views seem too perfect. I could be wrong, but I have to wonder if this man is a plant meant to stir up hatred. If this man is exactly as he claims to be, he not only did the worst act possible for his ideology, he has likely caused massive damage to the credibility of Zionism. No one sane could possibly think that this kind of an atrocity could ever be useful to Israel.
The only possibilities I can see is that this man is either a terrorist plant, or he is insane.
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Evil comes in all forms.
It doesn't matter what side of the political spectrum you are on, there is always evil. Someone is always willing to go that one step too far and step into the realm of Hitler and Stalin.
By now, most, if not everyone, knows about the terrorist attack in Norway. I have nothing but unequivocal condemnation for such an action. There is absolutely no excuse or reason for this kind of senseless violence.
The people gunned down were youth at camp, just living their lives. This sort of political violence is completely unacceptable. It makes this man not only no better, but worse than Islamic extremists.
I've already seen many people on the left wing trying to use this incident as proof of right wing violence. This is an isolated incident, and this "man" should not just be put to death, but put to death in the most painful manner possible. This one incident perpetrated by a fascist does not in any way outweigh the fact that there have been over 17,000 deadly terrorist attacks carried out by Muslims since 9/11, and it does not in any way represent my beliefs.
By now, most, if not everyone, knows about the terrorist attack in Norway. I have nothing but unequivocal condemnation for such an action. There is absolutely no excuse or reason for this kind of senseless violence.
The people gunned down were youth at camp, just living their lives. This sort of political violence is completely unacceptable. It makes this man not only no better, but worse than Islamic extremists.
I've already seen many people on the left wing trying to use this incident as proof of right wing violence. This is an isolated incident, and this "man" should not just be put to death, but put to death in the most painful manner possible. This one incident perpetrated by a fascist does not in any way outweigh the fact that there have been over 17,000 deadly terrorist attacks carried out by Muslims since 9/11, and it does not in any way represent my beliefs.
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Stories that the lamestream media don't want you to know.
If the lamestream media actually wanted to show a balanced view of Israel, it wouldn't be difficult. However, the "Palestinians" are the media's little darlings, and no matter how much good Israel does, no matter the fact that "Palestinians" live better than any other Arab in the Middle East, Israel is still somehow the bad guy.
From Good News From Israel comes a list of just a few of the amazing things that Israel does for the "Palestinians" despite their hatred for Jews.
From Good News From Israel comes a list of just a few of the amazing things that Israel does for the "Palestinians" despite their hatred for Jews.
Friday, July 15, 2011
"Palestinians" admit it in person. They want Israel destroyed.
There is no such thing as a peace process. There is no such thing as a peace partner. There is no such thing as even the remote possibility of peaceful relations with the "Palestinians". It is one Jewish state with a majority of the "Palestinians" expelled to other Arab lands, or the end of not just Israel, but Judaism as well.
Emphasis added.
A full 45% believe in Jihad. The article says 'only', but that is an immense number of people who believe that violence is the only answer. The article makes some claims about some positives, but they do not outweigh the simple facts. Any large population of "Palestinians", when more than half of them support the teaching of hatred of Jews in their school, is suicide for the Jewish state. They have admitted, in person, that they do not want Israel to exist.
Judaism will not survive without Israel. That is easily seen. As per the second link above, the only place in the world where the Jewish population is growing is in Israel. Without Israel, we as a people are almost certainly doomed. The "Palestinians" are committed as a people to eliminating our homeland.
These are the facts. Jews need Israel or we disappear. Israel needs large, defensible borders, or it disappears. The "Palestinians" stand in the way of that. That is a simple fact. These are not people who will let us live.
Which means that they have to leave.
Only one in three Palestinians (34 percent) accepts two states for two peoples as the solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, according to an intensive, face-to-face survey in Arabic of 1,010 Palestinian adults in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip completed this week by American pollster Stanley Greenberg.
The poll, which has a margin of error of 3.1 percentage points, was conducted in partnership with the Beit Sahour-based Palestinian Center for Public Opinion and sponsored by the Israel Project, an international nonprofit organization that provides journalists and leaders with information about the Middle East.
The Israel Project is trying to reach out to the Arab world to promote “people-to-people peace.” The poll appears to indicate that the organization has a difficult task ahead.
Respondents were asked about US President Barack Obama’s statement that “there should be two states: Palestine as the homeland for the Palestinian people and Israel as the homeland for the Jewish people.”
Just 34% said they accepted that concept, while 61% rejected it.
Sixty-six percent said the Palestinians’ real goal should be to start with a two-state solution but then move to it all being one Palestinian state.
Asked about the fate of Jerusalem, 92% said it should be the capital of Palestine, 1% said the capital of Israel, 3% the capital of both, and 4% a neutral international city.
Seventy-two percent backed denying the thousands of years of Jewish history in Jerusalem, 62% supported kidnapping IDF soldiers and holding them hostage, and 53% were in favor or teaching songs about hating Jews in Palestinian schools.
When given a quote from the Hamas Charter about the need for battalions from the Arab and Islamic world to defeat the Jews, 80% agreed. Seventy-three percent agreed with a quote from the charter (and a hadith, or tradition ascribed to the prophet Muhammad) about the need to kill Jews hiding behind stones and trees.
But only 45% said they believed in the charter’s statement that the only solution to the Palestinian problem was jihad.
Emphasis added.
A full 45% believe in Jihad. The article says 'only', but that is an immense number of people who believe that violence is the only answer. The article makes some claims about some positives, but they do not outweigh the simple facts. Any large population of "Palestinians", when more than half of them support the teaching of hatred of Jews in their school, is suicide for the Jewish state. They have admitted, in person, that they do not want Israel to exist.
Judaism will not survive without Israel. That is easily seen. As per the second link above, the only place in the world where the Jewish population is growing is in Israel. Without Israel, we as a people are almost certainly doomed. The "Palestinians" are committed as a people to eliminating our homeland.
These are the facts. Jews need Israel or we disappear. Israel needs large, defensible borders, or it disappears. The "Palestinians" stand in the way of that. That is a simple fact. These are not people who will let us live.
Which means that they have to leave.
Friday, June 24, 2011
Geert Wilders cleared!
A great victory for freedom as Geert Wilders has been cleared of all charges against him.
Geert Wilders is a great man who simply speaks the truth. Anyone who's read even small parts of the Koran understands this.
Hat tip to David Hoffman.
MP Geert Wilders has been cleared of charges of inciting hatred and discrimination by a court in Amsterdam.
The court ruled that some of Wilders' statements were insulting, shocking and on the edge of legal acceptibility, but that they were made in the broad context of a political and social debate on the multi-cultural society.
The chief judge took some 20 minutes to dismiss the charges one by one, speaking in clear, non-legal language. There was applause from the public gallery when he had finished his statement.
The public prosecution department earlier joined Wilders’ legal team in calling for a not-guilty verdict, saying certain statements by the PVV party leader were insulting, but not criminal.
The department was forced to take the case by the high court after anti-racism campaigners protested at its refusal to prosecute Wilders.
The case began on October 4 last year, but collapsed after three weeks when a special legal panel ruled the judges may have shown partiality following a string of legal blunders. New judges were then sworn in and the case was heard again this year.
Geert Wilders is a great man who simply speaks the truth. Anyone who's read even small parts of the Koran understands this.
Hat tip to David Hoffman.
Boycott Delta Airlines
Just following orders?
It seems that Delta Airlines is allowing Saudi Arabian Airlines into their Sky Team Alliance (sounds like something out of a comic book). Saudi Arabian Airlines is highly discriminatory, especially against Jews. There are concerns that, since this could mean booking a flight with Delta could lead to you flying on a Saudi Arabian Airlines airplane, Jews could be discriminated against. Even if this isn't the case, Delta Airlines is crossing a moral line. Doing business with openly racist people is abhorrent to say the least.
It seems that Delta Airlines is allowing Saudi Arabian Airlines into their Sky Team Alliance (sounds like something out of a comic book). Saudi Arabian Airlines is highly discriminatory, especially against Jews. There are concerns that, since this could mean booking a flight with Delta could lead to you flying on a Saudi Arabian Airlines airplane, Jews could be discriminated against. Even if this isn't the case, Delta Airlines is crossing a moral line. Doing business with openly racist people is abhorrent to say the least.
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Hamas-Fatah unity appears to be collapsing.
It is much too early to be certain, but it appears that the Hamas-Fatah unity deal may very well be collapsing.
Read the whole story. With any luck for us, these barbarians will continue fighting each other, and leave us alone.
Hamas on Thursday accused Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas of backtracking on the Egyptian-sponsored reconciliation agreement between the two sides.
The PA, in response, said that Iran, which supports Hamas financially, has instructed the movement to pull out of the agreement with Fatah.
“Hamas is nothing but a tool in the hands of Iran,” a PA official said. "There can be no agreement with a movement that serves the agenda of a regime like Iran, which is a threat to Arab national security."
Hamas leaders and representatives claimed that Abbas has succumbed to US, EU and Israeli pressure to abandon the reconciliation accord, which was announced in Cairo on May 4, following threats to suspend financial aid to the Palestinians if the agreement is implemented.
“The honeymoon between Fatah and Hamas seems to have ended very quickly,” remarked a Fatah official in Ramallah. “The gap between the two parties remains very wide on most issues.”
Read the whole story. With any luck for us, these barbarians will continue fighting each other, and leave us alone.
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Michele Bachmann for President
I am giving my endorsement in the next American federal election to Michele Bachmann. While I was hoping to endorse Sarah Palin, it doesn't look like she will be running, and Michele Bachmann has much the same values as Sarah Palin does. Michele Bachmann understands what Israel is going through, and is a valuable friend of Israel. Let's hope she wins.
Europeans can't force us to die, so they tell us to.
In general, I despise Europeans. I keep an open mind in person, but as a general rule, I don't trust them. Our history in Europe is one of oppression and slaughter. Now that we have Israel, they haven't been able to harm us to the same extent. However, they still seem to wish us harm. Just as Europeans would discuss what to do about the "Jewish problem" before expelling us or slaughtering us, they now won't even allow Israel to be a member of talks to do with achieving peace with the "Palestinians".
Think about what our former enemies are saying about our homeland. How is this all that different from the European frustrations in attempting to force us to convert to Christianity? We refuse to give in to their unreasonable demands, and so they try to figure out what to do with us behind closed doors.
We have attempted, on numerous occasions, to end the bloodshed. The "Palestinians" have never given us a single concession. They demand that Jews make every single concession and that they make none. Until the "Palestinians" are willing to make concessions, just as we are, the fighting will never end. The ball has been in the "Palestinian" court for decades, yet the Europeans still blame us, just as they have always blamed us for any problem they seem to have.
Contrary to the popular opinion, Europeans have changed very little. They still see Jews as their enemy, otherwise why would they fail to see how hard Israel attempts to make peace? We gave up the whole Gaza strip, forced thousands of people from their homes. We were rewarded with more terrorism, and yet somehow we were in the wrong yet again when we defended ourselves.
This is a recurring problem with Europeans. The only public figure in all of Europe that I've seen that actually seems to understand what is going on is Geert Wilders. I'm sure there are more, but they seem to be few and far between and don't seem to speak up nearly so loudly. If anyone who reads this blog could send me the names of any others, I'd appreciate it.
Israel’s frustration with the EU, or at least with part of the EU, was highlighted this week when Luxembourg’s Foreign Minister Jean Asselborn, who was hosting the monthly meeting of EU foreign ministers, held an informal dinner on Sunday night on the Middle East with EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton to which he invited representatives from France, Britain, Germany, Italy, Spain, Belgium, Austria, Sweden, Denmark, Portugal, Greece, Egypt, Jordan, Morocco, Iraq, the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar, Russia, the US, Indonesia, the Arab League and the PA – but not Israel.
Swedish Foreign Minister Carl Bildt, in a blog posting about the dinner, made it clear that Israel was a large part of the discussion.
Bildt wrote that it was evident that “large parts of the Arab world” have now “given up virtually all hope of progress” with the present Israeli government.
Think about what our former enemies are saying about our homeland. How is this all that different from the European frustrations in attempting to force us to convert to Christianity? We refuse to give in to their unreasonable demands, and so they try to figure out what to do with us behind closed doors.
We have attempted, on numerous occasions, to end the bloodshed. The "Palestinians" have never given us a single concession. They demand that Jews make every single concession and that they make none. Until the "Palestinians" are willing to make concessions, just as we are, the fighting will never end. The ball has been in the "Palestinian" court for decades, yet the Europeans still blame us, just as they have always blamed us for any problem they seem to have.
Contrary to the popular opinion, Europeans have changed very little. They still see Jews as their enemy, otherwise why would they fail to see how hard Israel attempts to make peace? We gave up the whole Gaza strip, forced thousands of people from their homes. We were rewarded with more terrorism, and yet somehow we were in the wrong yet again when we defended ourselves.
This is a recurring problem with Europeans. The only public figure in all of Europe that I've seen that actually seems to understand what is going on is Geert Wilders. I'm sure there are more, but they seem to be few and far between and don't seem to speak up nearly so loudly. If anyone who reads this blog could send me the names of any others, I'd appreciate it.
Friday, June 17, 2011
1000 terrorists for Schalit?
No, no, one thousand times, no! I'm glad the armed wing of Hamas rejected this!
I want Gilad back. He has been locked away in a terrorist prison for years. But releasing 1000 terrorists in exchange? How many innocent people would die at the hands of those terrorists once they were free?
The exchange should only ever be one for one. Never should so many animals be released to murder more innocent Israelis for the price of one man.
I've seen some claims that Mossad has been tracking down Gilad and that his captors have been dying one by one. These policies should be continued, but at no point should any more than one single terrorist ever be released in exchange for our own people, lest those terrorists then kill or capture more of our own. We can't reward evil.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Nicolas Sarkozy on Friday called for the release of captive IDF soldier Gilad Schalit.
Merkel, speaking at a joint appearance with the French president called Schalit's release "a very important matter," ahead of the fifth anniversary of the IDF soldier's kidnapping by Hamas terrorists.
According to German government sources, there is a deal on the table in which Israel would release approximately 1,000 prisoners in exchange for Schalit. The deal was rejected by Hamas' armed wing, the Izzadin Kassam Brigades, despite approval by the groups political wing, according to German officials.
I want Gilad back. He has been locked away in a terrorist prison for years. But releasing 1000 terrorists in exchange? How many innocent people would die at the hands of those terrorists once they were free?
The exchange should only ever be one for one. Never should so many animals be released to murder more innocent Israelis for the price of one man.
I've seen some claims that Mossad has been tracking down Gilad and that his captors have been dying one by one. These policies should be continued, but at no point should any more than one single terrorist ever be released in exchange for our own people, lest those terrorists then kill or capture more of our own. We can't reward evil.
Thursday, June 9, 2011
The UN will never be a force for peace.
As it stands, the United Nations is permanently incapable of being a force for peace. Staffed by dictatorships, supporters of dictatorships and heavily influenced by Antisemitism, it won't even be able to do anything about the fact that Syria was trying to build nuclear weapons.
China and Russia will simply vote to protect Syria. The UN has never come to the aid of Israel, only interfering in wars when Israel is winning, never when Israel is losing. Israel seriously needs to reconsider any commitments to this vile and evil institution.
The UN nuclear watchdog board reported Syria to the Security Council on Thursday for covert atomic work, a US-led move coinciding with Western condemnation of Damascus's crackdown on opposition protests.
Russia and China voted against the proposal at the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), highlighting big-power divisions that may augur vetoes of any punitive measures by the UN council in New York.
China and Russia will simply vote to protect Syria. The UN has never come to the aid of Israel, only interfering in wars when Israel is winning, never when Israel is losing. Israel seriously needs to reconsider any commitments to this vile and evil institution.
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
New report suggests Iran is 2 months away from going nuclear.
You read that right. Two months, not two years. Israel may very well be out of time.
The Iranian regime is closer than ever before to creating a nuclear bomb, according to RAND Corporation researcher Gregory S. Jones.As Iran gets closer and closer to building a nuclear weapon, I can't help but be reminded of the denials of the Jewish leadership during the Shoah and their claims that all would be well. The Shoah taught us that we can rely on no one but ourselves, that we have the tools to fight for our lives, that we can be warriors. We are G-ds warriors, and we must fight, or we face our end. Judaism will not recover from a second Shoah.
At its current rate of uranium enrichment, Tehran could have enough for its first bomb within eight weeks, Jones said in a report published this week.
He added that despite reports of setbacks in its nuclear program, the Iranian regime is steadily progressing towards a bomb. Unfortunately, Jones says, there is nothing the US can do to stop Tehran, short of military occupation.
The researcher based his report on recent findings by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), published two weeks ago. Making the bomb will take around two months, he says, because constructing a nuclear warhead is a complicated step in the process.
Jones stresses that stopping Iran will require deploying forces on the ground, because airstrikes are no longer sufficient. The reality is that the US and Israel have failed to keep Iran from developing a nuclear warhead whenever it wants, Jones says.
It's time to recognize that this policy has failed and decide on the following steps, based on realistic assessment of Iranian uranium-enrichment efforts, he adds.
According to Jones, Tehran has produced 38.3 kg of uranium enriched at 19.7%. If its centrifuges continue to work at the current capacity, it will take around two months for the Iranian regime to produce the 20 kg of uranium enriched to 90% required for the production of a nuclear warhead.
Muslim Brotherhood on its way to taking over Egypt.
While Caroline Glick has followed the situation in Egypt better than I have (I live in Diaspora and don't have access to the same information she does at this time), I can tell you that the news is nothing but troubling. Just today, the Muslim Brotherhood has legally become a political party.
The Brotherhood is claiming that they won't field a candidate for the presidency. Yet one of the candidates, Abul Futuh, is a leading member of the Muslim Brotherhood. The Brotherhood is also claiming that they won't contest more than 50% of the parliamentary seats. This goes against a previous claim of only contesting 30% of seats. Anyone can see that The Brotherhood is setting itself up to sweep the country in the election and institute a dangerous Islamic government.
And what is the feckless Obama doing about it? Nothing. He's continuing to send aid to the Egyptian military, and Caroline Glick believes that he's deliberately sabotaging Israeli intelligence efforts. I agree with her assertion completely.
The reality on the ground is there for all to see. Almost the entire Arab world is going the way of Iran.
Yet again, Jews are being thrown under the bus.
The Brotherhood is claiming that they won't field a candidate for the presidency. Yet one of the candidates, Abul Futuh, is a leading member of the Muslim Brotherhood. The Brotherhood is also claiming that they won't contest more than 50% of the parliamentary seats. This goes against a previous claim of only contesting 30% of seats. Anyone can see that The Brotherhood is setting itself up to sweep the country in the election and institute a dangerous Islamic government.
And what is the feckless Obama doing about it? Nothing. He's continuing to send aid to the Egyptian military, and Caroline Glick believes that he's deliberately sabotaging Israeli intelligence efforts. I agree with her assertion completely.
The reality on the ground is there for all to see. Almost the entire Arab world is going the way of Iran.
Yet again, Jews are being thrown under the bus.
UN rights chief calls border defense "excessive force".
You have to love the UN. They are so predictable. For instance, they just condemned Israel's legitimate defense of national borders and called invaders, civilians!
The only crime being committed is the UN backing of these invaders over Israel's right to defense of national borders. These were not civilians, but terrorist invaders who's single goal was destruction. They went unarmed in order to delegitimise Israel. Regardless of whether or not they were armed, they were not civilians. They were non-uniformed combatants and had no human rights under the Geneva Conventions, and therefore Israel's response was 100% justified, right and legal.
And if it happens again, the invaders should be shot again.
UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay said Tuesday she was deeply troubled by reports of use of live fire by the IDF against protesters attempting to infiltrate Israel's border from Syria on Sunday's Naksa Day, commemorating the anniversary of the 1967 Six Day War.
“Between 30 and 40 protesters have reportedly been killed by Israeli security forces in the past three weeks,” she said, referencing Syrian reports that 23 were killed on Sunday and 14 were killed on May 15 during Nakba Day in skirmishes on both the Lebanese and Syrian frontiers. “The Government of Israel has a duty to ensure that its security personnel avoid the use of excessive force,” Pillay added.
“However difficult the circumstances, the use of live ammunition against allegedly unarmed protesters, resulting in large numbers of deaths and injuries, inevitably raises the question of unnecessary and excessive use of force,” she stated.
The high commissioner urged Israel to comply with its obligations under international human rights and international humanitarian law to ensure the protection of civilians.
Pillay also expressed concern over allegations that civilians were encouraged by the Syrian authorities to protest in areas where landmines are located. “Syrian authorities have an obligation to ensure that civilians are prevented from entering areas where landmines are planted,” she said.
Especially given conflicting allegations on the use of Molotov cocktails by protesters and on whether or not all necessary precautions were taken before the use of live ammunition by security forces, Pillay called on both sides to carry out independent, impartial, transparent and thorough investigations into the events of Naksa Day. She also reminded Israel of its obligation to carry out investigations into the events surrounding last month's Nakba Day.
"Where there is evidence that crimes were committed, prosecution and appropriate punishment must follow," Pillay added.
The High Commissioner echoed UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon's call for maximum restraint on all sides.
The only crime being committed is the UN backing of these invaders over Israel's right to defense of national borders. These were not civilians, but terrorist invaders who's single goal was destruction. They went unarmed in order to delegitimise Israel. Regardless of whether or not they were armed, they were not civilians. They were non-uniformed combatants and had no human rights under the Geneva Conventions, and therefore Israel's response was 100% justified, right and legal.
And if it happens again, the invaders should be shot again.
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Palestinian terrorists invade Israel.
Terrorists have begun an invasion of Israel from nearly all sides for Naksa Day.
Many may be dead along the Syrian border, where terrorists deliberately walked over a minefield separating Israel from Syria.
These monsters believe they can steal our land. They're wrong. Israel has every right to exist, no different than any other nation.
Many may be dead along the Syrian border, where terrorists deliberately walked over a minefield separating Israel from Syria.
These monsters believe they can steal our land. They're wrong. Israel has every right to exist, no different than any other nation.
Fogel family murderers to military court.
The murderers of the Fogel family are facing justice at a military court. As can be expected from such animals, they show absolutely no remorse.
There are certain times when Jews hope that the Christian idea of Hell is real. This is one of those times. These animals deserve far worse than they will get.
"I don't regret what I did, and would do it again," Amjad Awad told reporters in court. "I'm proud of what I did and I'll accept any punishment I get, even death, because I did it all for Palestine," he added.
There are certain times when Jews hope that the Christian idea of Hell is real. This is one of those times. These animals deserve far worse than they will get.
Friday, June 3, 2011
To whom do the territories belong?
So, to whom do the territories of Gaza, Judea and Samaria actually belong?
Under international law, Israel is the legal owner of the territories, no one else. These territories are not occupied at all. They are simply disputed. As the video states, there is no magical solution, but this is the reality. Both the League of Nations and the United Nations guaranteed the current land of Israel, Judea, Samaria and Gaza to the Jewish nation. There was no stipulation on who would be given citizenship or what to do with the Arab population that only increased due to Zionist immigration.
Under international law, Israel is the legal owner of the territories, no one else. These territories are not occupied at all. They are simply disputed. As the video states, there is no magical solution, but this is the reality. Both the League of Nations and the United Nations guaranteed the current land of Israel, Judea, Samaria and Gaza to the Jewish nation. There was no stipulation on who would be given citizenship or what to do with the Arab population that only increased due to Zionist immigration.
Monday, May 30, 2011
International recognition of a "Palestinian" state is illegal.
I hold no stock in international law. Instead of acting as a bastion of power against dictatorship, it is abused by dictators to protect themselves from international reprisal. International law is also consistently ignored when it has anything to do with Israel. Case in point, according to international law, recognition of a "Palestinian" state is illegal. The following is a letter drafted by international lawyers, addressed to Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon.
The United Nations will not listen to these facts. International law is consistently ignored when Israel is involved, and is consistently misquoted in order to delegitimize and demonize the sole Jewish State.
Re: The Proposed General Assembly Resolution to Recognize a Palestinian State "within 1967 Borders" - An Illegal Action
We, the undersigned, attorneys from across the world who are involved in general matters of international law, as well as being closely concerned with the Israeli-Palestinian dispute, appeal to you to use your influence and authority among the member states of the UN, with a view to preventing the adoption of the resolution that the Palestinian delegation intends to table at the forthcoming session of the General Assembly, to recognize a Palestinian state "within the 1967 borders."
By all standards and criteria, such a resolution, if adopted, would be in stark violation of all the agreements between Israel and the Palestinians, as well as contravening UN Security Council Resolutions 242 (1967) and 338 (1973) and those other resolutions based thereon.
Our reasoning is as follows:
1. The legal basis for the establishment of the State of Israel was the resolution unanimously adopted by the League of Nations in 1922, affirming the establishment of a national home for the Jewish People in the historical area of the Land of Israel. This included the areas of Judea and Samaria and Jerusalem, and close Jewish settlement throughout. This was subsequently affirmed by both houses of the U.S. Congress. 2. Article 80 of the UN Charter determines the continued validity of the rights granted to all states or peoples, or already existing international instruments (including those adopted by the League of Nations). Accordingly, the above-noted League resolution remains valid, and the 650,000 Jews presently resident in the areas of Judea, Samaria and eastern Jerusalem reside there legitimately. 3. "The 1967 borders" do not exist, and have never existed. The 1949 Armistice Agreements entered into by Israel and its Arab neighbors, establishing the Armistice Demarcation Lines, clearly stated that these lines "are without prejudice to future territorial settlements or boundary lines or to claims of either Party relating thereto." Accordingly, they cannot be accepted or declared to be the international boundaries of a Palestinian state. 4. UN Security Council Resolutions 242 (1967) and 338 (1973) called upon the parties to achieve a just and lasting peace in the Middle East and specifically stressed the need to negotiate in order to achieve "secure and recognized boundaries." 5. The Palestinian proposal, in attempting to unilaterally change the status of the territory and determine the "1967 borders" as its recognized borders, in addition to running squarely against Resolutions 242 and 338, would be a fundamental breach of the 1995 Israeli-Palestinian Interim Agreement on the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, in which the parties undertook to negotiate the issue of borders and not act to change the status of the territories pending outcome of the permanent status negotiations. 6. The Palestinians entered into the various agreements constituting what is known as the "Oslo Accords" in the full knowledge that Israel's settlements existed in the areas, and that settlements would be one of the issues to be negotiated in the permanent status negotiations. Furthermore, the Oslo Accords impose no limitation on Israel's settlement activity in those areas that the Palestinians agreed would continue to be under Israel's jurisdiction and control pending the outcome of the permanent status negotiations. 7. While the Interim Agreement was signed by Israel and the PLO, it was witnessed by the UN together with the EU, the Russian Federation, the U.S., Egypt, and Norway. It is thus inconceivable that such witnesses, including first and foremost the UN, would now give license to a measure in the UN aimed at violating this agreement and undermining major resolutions of the Security Council. 8. While the UN has maintained a persistent policy of non-recognition of Israel's sovereignty over Jerusalem pending a negotiated solution, despite Israel's historic rights to the city, it is inconceivable that the UN would now recognize a unilaterally declared Palestinian state, the borders of which would include eastern Jerusalem. This would represent the ultimate in hypocrisy, double standards, and discrimination, as well as an utter disregard of the rights of Israel and the Jewish People. 9. Such unilateral action by the Palestinians could give rise to reciprocal initiatives in the Israeli Parliament (Knesset) which could include proposed legislation to declare Israel's sovereignty over extensive parts of Judea and Samaria, if and when the Palestinians carry out their unilateral action.
It appears to be patently clear to all that the Palestinian exercise, aimed at advancing their political claims, represents a cynical abuse of the UN Organization and of the members of the General Assembly. Its aim is to bypass the negotiation process called for by the Security Council.
Regrettably, this abuse of the UN and its integrity, in addition to undermining international law, has the potential to derail the Middle East peace process.
We trust that you will use your authority to protect the UN and its integrity from this abuse, and act to prevent any affirmation or recognition of this dangerous Palestinian initiative.
The United Nations will not listen to these facts. International law is consistently ignored when Israel is involved, and is consistently misquoted in order to delegitimize and demonize the sole Jewish State.
East Jerusalem's Arabs want to remain in Israel.
The so-called "Palestinians" demand that the creation of a "Palestinian" state include "East Jerusalem" (Jerusalem is a single city, there is no "East" and "West" Jerusalem) as the national capital. There is one inherent problem with this.
The Arabs that inhabit the Arab communities in the Eastern section of Jerusalem do not want to be a part of a "Palestinian" state. They want their area to remain under Israeli control and want to remain Israeli citizens. A full 40% of those Arabs would move if the Eastern half of Jerusalem were to become a part of a new "Palestinian" state.
The Arabs that inhabit the Arab communities in the Eastern section of Jerusalem do not want to be a part of a "Palestinian" state. They want their area to remain under Israeli control and want to remain Israeli citizens. A full 40% of those Arabs would move if the Eastern half of Jerusalem were to become a part of a new "Palestinian" state.
Video: Jerusalem: 4000 years in 5 minutes.
The importance of Jewish control of the Holy City cannot be understated. Jerusalem will never be divided.
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Rafah border crossing opens, no one monitoring.
The new Egypt has opened the Rafah border crossing, and no one is monitoring it.
Of course, Hamas is offering to monitor it.
Netanyahu has failed again. As our enemies get stronger, our government refuses to act, instead preferring to kiss the feet of international powers who don't care whether we live or die.
The proper response here would be military intervention along the border, and damn the Egyptians and international community.
Egypt opened the Rafah crossing on the Sinai-Gaza border after four years, allowing 300 Palestinians to pass through in the first hour.
Hamas and Fatah on Saturday welcomed the reopening of the crossing, praising Egypt for its “brave decision.”
Palestinians who crossed the terminal expressed relief over the absence of Egyptian intelligence officers on the Egyptian side. They said that in the past the intelligence officers used to either arrest residents of the Gaza Strip who wished to travel to Egypt or turn them back.
Egyptian authorities said that the border crossing would stay open permanently for the first time since it was closed nearly four years ago.
The Egyptians also assigned two medical teams to examine travelers and facilitate the hospitalization of patients in Egyptian hospitals.
And for the first time ever, the Egyptians decided that Palestinian males under the age of 18 and over 40 do not need visas to enter Egypt. All women are also exempt from acquiring a visa to enter Egypt.
Hamas representative Ghazi Hamad said that EU monitors who used to work at the Rafah terminal would not return to their jobs.
The monitors were stationed at the terminal as part of an agreement between the Palestinian Authority, the EU and Israel in 2005.
The monitors left the terminal after Hamas’s violent takeover of the Gaza Strip in the summer of 2007. Fatah security forces were also forced to leave the border crossing then.
Of course, Hamas is offering to monitor it.
“The Egyptians haven’t told us anything yet about the EU monitors,” Hamad said. “We prefer that the terminal remain under the exclusive control of Palestinians and Egyptians.”
He said that the Hamas government was capable of running the border crossing in a “professional and legal way in accordance with international standards.”
Netanyahu has failed again. As our enemies get stronger, our government refuses to act, instead preferring to kiss the feet of international powers who don't care whether we live or die.
The proper response here would be military intervention along the border, and damn the Egyptians and international community.
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Out of town.
I'll be out of town for a few days and likely won't post anything in that time frame. I'll be back as soon as I can.
In the meantime, Am Yisrael Chai!
In the meantime, Am Yisrael Chai!
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Iranian nuclear plant powers up.
The Iranian nuclear power plant is now online.
Israel is running out of time. Will our feckless leaders lead us to the slaughter the way they did in the Shoah? Iran is gaining new allies with the so-called "Arab Spring", and will be more powerful than ever before long. We must strike now!
Iranian Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi said that the Bushehr power plant is operational, Press TV reported on Wednesday.
"As we have previously announced, Bushehr power plant has reached the criticality stage, meaning it has been successfully launched," Salehi reportedly said.
Criticality is the stage in a nuclear reaction when the fissile material is self-sustaining.
"This stage lasts for two months. We hope the plant will gain some 40 percent of its power within the next one or two months," Salehi added.
The Iranian foreign minister also said that the Bushehr plant is one of the safest in the world.
Last week, a senior Russian diplomat said that the Bushehr, a Russian-built plant, will be fully operational within weeks.
Israel is running out of time. Will our feckless leaders lead us to the slaughter the way they did in the Shoah? Iran is gaining new allies with the so-called "Arab Spring", and will be more powerful than ever before long. We must strike now!
Glenn Beck - Friend of Israel
Love him or hate him, Glenn Beck is an ally of Israel. He knows exactly what is going on, regardless of his religious beliefs. As our so-called "friends" turn against us, we must hold on to the friends we have, regardless of their beliefs.
Monday, May 16, 2011
Netanyahu a failure.
Previously, the Israeli government withheld taxes collected on behalf of the "Palestinian" Authority in order to prevent money from falling into the hands of terrorists. This money should have been permanently withheld and tax collections halted. Instead, Netanyah has released the funding.
Netanyahu is a failure. That money should never have been released. By allying and unifying with Hamas, Abbas has proven that there are no peace partners.
The Palestinian Authority on Monday confirmed that it received from Israel about NIS 370 million which were previously frozen by the Israeli government after Hamas and Fatah signed their reconciliation agreement.
PA spokesperson Ghassan Khatib said that the transfer of money from is a "success of the Palestinian campaign that called on the international community to pressure Israel to transfer the funds."
Netanyahu is a failure. That money should never have been released. By allying and unifying with Hamas, Abbas has proven that there are no peace partners.
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Nakba Day and the Fraud
An interesting document was sent my way via Israel Fans, a Facebook community page. This document spells out, with references, why Nakba day is fraudulent and only harms the "Palestinian" position.
Read the text here: Nakba Day and the Fraud
Read the text here: Nakba Day and the Fraud
So-called "Nakba day" begins.
May 15th of every year is the day that "Palestinians" and many left wing racists around the world mark the "catastrophe" that was the creation of Israel. Being unable to stand that Jews built their own homeland and a safe place to live, the racist left and the racist Arabs mourn.
In light of the so-called "Arab Spring", Israel is expecting larger than usual demonstrations and potentially the opening salvo in the Third Terror War.
To non-racists, the only catastrophe that occurred in the Middle East was when every single Arab nation declared war on the newly created State of Israel in 1948 and invaded. Outmanned, outgunned, we hung on, and today we have a thriving homeland that we will never give up.
If the "Palestinians" want peace, they can come to the negotiating table without preconditions, the same as Israel is willing to do. The fact that they always find excuses to leave the negotiating table proves that it is Israel that is interested in peace and the "Palestinians" who are interested in nothing but the destruction of Israel.
In light of the so-called "Arab Spring", Israel is expecting larger than usual demonstrations and potentially the opening salvo in the Third Terror War.
To non-racists, the only catastrophe that occurred in the Middle East was when every single Arab nation declared war on the newly created State of Israel in 1948 and invaded. Outmanned, outgunned, we hung on, and today we have a thriving homeland that we will never give up.
If the "Palestinians" want peace, they can come to the negotiating table without preconditions, the same as Israel is willing to do. The fact that they always find excuses to leave the negotiating table proves that it is Israel that is interested in peace and the "Palestinians" who are interested in nothing but the destruction of Israel.
Thursday, May 12, 2011
Prepare for a new terror war.
A new terror war is coming. Buoyed by the so-called "Arab Spring" and the terrorist alliance, the terrorist "Palestinian" government is deliberately pushing for a third terror war.
The chances of this being peaceful are slim to nill. This is going to get ugly, and people are going to die.
Always remember who's fault it is. "Palestinians" don't want peace.
The “revolutionary council” issued a statement at the end of the meeting in which it backed Abbas’s plan to seek UN recognition of a Palestinian state and sign a reconciliation accord with Hamas.
The council also urged Palestinians to escalate “popular resistance” against Israel, especially in Jerusalem neighborhoods like Silwan, Issawiya, Sheikh Jarrah and the Old City.
The Fatah council also urged Palestinians to take part in events marking Nakba Day, or Israel’s independence, by participating in marches and rallies.
The chances of this being peaceful are slim to nill. This is going to get ugly, and people are going to die.
Always remember who's fault it is. "Palestinians" don't want peace.
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
New terror flotilla being pressured by European right wing.
Many likely already know that there are plans for a second terrorist flotilla to Gaza. The flotilla is now being pressured from Europe's right wing.
While trust of Europeans in general should not be given freely, there are those that seem to be our friends. Just remember who we can trust. The National Socialist German Workers Party was a far left wing party, almost identical to communism. The right wing will always be where our friends are. Never believe the lie that the Nazis were a far right wing party.
Further reading:
The Mavi Marmara
Plans for a new protest flotilla to Gaza are “an act of provocation” against the State of Israel and should be strongly condemned by the European Union, two prominent members of the European Parliament said on Wednesday.
MEPs Charles Tannock and Peter van Dalen from the European Conservatives and Reformists group in the Parliament both condemned the initiative, which is being planned for the end of May, to coincide with the anniversary of last year’s flotilla incident, but which may be delayed.
Anti-Israel activists plan to join the Turkish Islamist IHH organization in another attempt to break the Israeli blockade of the Gaza Strip. It is believed that they plan to embark from a Mediterranean country other than Turkey, with up to 15 vessels and 1,500 people from an array of countries.
“This flotilla is deliberately intended to provoke Israel into a response,” Dr. Tannock, a British MEP and the European Conservatives and Reformists’ foreign affairs spokesman, said. “Given that Israel faces a daily threat from terrorist attacks by Hamas, it is well within its rights to take necessary action and impose a naval blockade to prevent weapons and other terrorist resources from entering the Gaza Strip.
“The international community was very swift to chastise Israel for its actions against the Mavi Marmara last year.
This flotilla is deliberately intending to again provoke a response from Israel, and this incredibly irresponsible and hostile action must be condemned by the EU and High Representative Baroness [Catherine] Ashton,” Tannock said.
Van Dalen, whose party in the Dutch parliament has called for the Dutch government to take action at EU level, said: “A peaceful settlement in the Middle East will not be assisted by deliberately provocative and incendiary acts from left-wing groups intent on making a political point.
“Israel has already eased the blockade on Gaza and there is evidence that it has taken steps to ensure the passage of humanitarian assistance to those who need it,” he said.
“If these groups attempt to run the blockade, then they should not be surprised by the response they will receive. Israel has a right to defend itself,” van Dalen said.
While trust of Europeans in general should not be given freely, there are those that seem to be our friends. Just remember who we can trust. The National Socialist German Workers Party was a far left wing party, almost identical to communism. The right wing will always be where our friends are. Never believe the lie that the Nazis were a far right wing party.
Further reading:
The Mavi Marmara
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
More Independence Day videos!
One of the many street parties.
Some traditional dancing and fireworks in Rabin Square.
G-d bless Israel!
Some traditional dancing and fireworks in Rabin Square.
G-d bless Israel!
Monday, May 9, 2011
Happy Birthday, Israel!
Celebrations for Israel's 63rd birthday kicked off several hours ago. Sixty three years since the end of our exile. I'm posting a few videos of the celebrations that I have found on YouTube, and I'll post some more tomorrow. Tomorrow evening, I will be joining in the celebrations with my local Jewish community.
Happy birthday, Israel!
Happy birthday, Israel!
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Yom Hazikaron
Almost 60,000 people have given their lives to protect the rights to life and liberty of the Jewish people since the end of the exile. The safest time in all of Jewish history has been the last 63 years. The price for that safety is paid in blood.
Masada shall not fall again.
- Nathan Alterman
And the land grows still, the red eye of the sky slowly dimming over smoking frontiers
As the nation arises, Torn at heart but breathing, To receive its miracle, the only miracle
As the ceremony draws near, it will rise, standing erect in the moonlight in terror and joy
When across from it will step out a youth and a lass and slowly march toward the nation
Dressed in battle gear, dirty, Shoes heavy with grime, they ascend the path quietly
To change garb, to wipe their brow
They have not yet found time. Still bone weary from days and from nights in the field
Full of endless fatigue and unrested,
Yet the dew of their youth. Is still seen on their head
Thus they stand at attention, giving no sign of life or death
Then a nation in tears and amazement
will ask: "Who are you?"And they will answer quietly, "We Are the silver platter on which the Jewish state was given."
Thus they will say and fall back in shadows
And the rest will be told In the chronicles of Israel
Masada shall not fall again.
Friday, May 6, 2011
Europe funds "Palestinian" terrorists.
Following the unity deal between Hamas and Fatah, proving once and for all that the "Palestinians" only interest is in the destruction of Israel, the EU has shown who they support as well - the terrorists.
The British blocked our access to our homeland and we had to defeat them in a war. The French handed us over to the Germans to be slaughtered. The Germans did the slaughtering and the Polish let most of it happen on their soil. The Allies refused to bomb Auschwitz to stop the slaughter. Europeans can't be trusted. This proves that they are our enemies. All European Jewry should make Aliyah.
To make that easier, Israel should weaken the Rabbinate and expand the definition of who is a Jew, not just for immigration, but for the religious laws of Israel as well.
BRUSSELS - The European Union said on Friday it would provide an extra 85 million euros ($124 million) to the Palestinian Authority to help pay salaries of essential workers and to support vulnerable families.
The move was decided on after Israel on Sunday blocked the transfer of $105 million in customs duties and other levies it collects on behalf of the Palestinian Authority, following a deal to reunite the two rival Palestinian wings.
A European Commission statement said the EU funds were being advanced under an accelerated procedure at the request of Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Salam Fayyad to meet urgent financial needs.
The British blocked our access to our homeland and we had to defeat them in a war. The French handed us over to the Germans to be slaughtered. The Germans did the slaughtering and the Polish let most of it happen on their soil. The Allies refused to bomb Auschwitz to stop the slaughter. Europeans can't be trusted. This proves that they are our enemies. All European Jewry should make Aliyah.
To make that easier, Israel should weaken the Rabbinate and expand the definition of who is a Jew, not just for immigration, but for the religious laws of Israel as well.
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
"Human rights" groups show true colours, condemn Osama's killing.
So-called "human rights" groups are rarely ever actually for human rights. They are merely against whatever they find undesirable, such as Israel and the United States. In their bigotry, their honesty has shown who they really support; terrorists.
The differences between Osama and the Nazis were enormous. First, the Nazis surrendered. Second, many Nazis were NOT given trials and were simply shot, while others got away or were helped to get away. This line of thinking is not an appeal to human rights, but merely support for giving wanted terrorists a chance to get away without punishment. Terrorists like Osama are not simple criminals, they are our enemies in wartime.
If this IS a violation of international law, then international law is wrong, and anyone with a good conscience will have no problem with Osama's death without trial.
Former West German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt told German TV the operation could have incalculable consequences in the Arab world at a time of unrest there.
"It was quite clearly a violation of international law."
It was a view echoed by high-profile Australian human rights lawyer Geoffrey Robertson.
"It's not justice. It's a perversion of the term. Justice means taking someone to court, finding them guilty upon evidence and sentencing them," Robertson told Australian Broadcasting Corp television from London.
"This man has been subject to summary execution, and what is now appearing after a good deal of disinformation from the White House is it may well have been a cold-blooded assassination."
Robertson said bin Laden should have stood trial, just as World War Two Nazis were tried at Nuremburg or former Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic was put on trial at the war crimes tribunal in The Hague after his arrest in 2001.
The differences between Osama and the Nazis were enormous. First, the Nazis surrendered. Second, many Nazis were NOT given trials and were simply shot, while others got away or were helped to get away. This line of thinking is not an appeal to human rights, but merely support for giving wanted terrorists a chance to get away without punishment. Terrorists like Osama are not simple criminals, they are our enemies in wartime.
If this IS a violation of international law, then international law is wrong, and anyone with a good conscience will have no problem with Osama's death without trial.
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
"Palestinians" riot over death of Osama bin Laden.
Yet again, what peace partners?
Hat tip to Stand for Israel.
While most of the free world praised the United States for having rid it of arch-terrorist Bin Laden, the Hamas organization - which has recently all but merged with Fatah, headed by Mahmoud Abbas - condemned the act.
Similarly, Arabs in the village of Silwan, adjacent to the City of David neighborhood in Jerusalem, rioted Monday night in protest over the elimination of Osama Bin Laden. The rioters threw stones at police and attempted to block roads.
The Gaza-based website Al Qassam reports that Gaza leader Ismail Haniyeh, the head of the local Hamas chapter that runs Gaza, told reporters on Monday that Bin Laden was an "Arab holy warrior."
Meeting with journalists in his office in Gaza City, Haniyeh said, "If this news [of Bin Laden's killing] is true, then this means that it is part of the American policy based on the oppression and bloodshed in the Muslim and Arab world."
Haniyeh expressed his strong condemnation for the killing or assassination of Bin Laden, whom he referred to as "Mujahed" - someone in engaged in jihad, holy war against infidels. He said he was praying for mercy for Bin Laden.
Hat tip to Stand for Israel.
Pic: We have a new hotel room for you, Osama.
Picture by the Jerusalem Post.
Osama bin Laden's death direct result of water boarding.
First, let me be quite clear. Water boarding is not torture. If we labeled everything that caused psychological trauma as torture, we would have no way of interrogating anyone, ever. They way interrogations work is by causing mental and emotional stress.
Second, turns out the left wingers that cried foul were wrong, because water boarding directly led America to Osama.
While I doubt Obama will admit this in public, I also doubt he'll outright deny it. The fact of the matter is that we are trying to fight by a set of rules while our enemies fight by none. Try winning a fist fight where your opponent can kick you in the groin and go for your eyes, but you have to fight him like a boxer. Your opponent will win quite easily.
Hat tip to Kathleen McKinley at Right Wing News.
Second, turns out the left wingers that cried foul were wrong, because water boarding directly led America to Osama.
“A member of the US Senate Intelligence Committee has told CNBC that the death of Osama Bin Laden was a direct result of enhanced interrogations.”
“…in 2007, that terror suspects at the Guantanamo Bay military prison started giving up information about the key courier.”
“Current and former U.S. officials say that Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the mastermind of the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, provided the nom de guerre of one of bin Laden’s most trusted aides. The CIA got similar information from Mohammed’s successor, Abu Faraj al-Libi. Both were subjected to harsh interrogation tactics inside CIA prisons in Poland and Romania."
While I doubt Obama will admit this in public, I also doubt he'll outright deny it. The fact of the matter is that we are trying to fight by a set of rules while our enemies fight by none. Try winning a fist fight where your opponent can kick you in the groin and go for your eyes, but you have to fight him like a boxer. Your opponent will win quite easily.
Hat tip to Kathleen McKinley at Right Wing News.
Pro-Israel party steamrolls into full power of Canada.
Canada is a nation who's government is usually governed with a single party in control of a majority of the parliamentary seats. Several years ago, the Conservative Party of Canada gained the largest share of seats, and have been governing as a "minority" ever since.
Until today.
Canada has granted the Conservative Party of Canada what they call a "majority government", a small win for Israel. The Conservative Party of Canada is Canada's only pro-Israel party that has seats in their parliament. Israel tends not to play a major role in Canadian politics, but they have been a valuable ally to Israel since the Conservative Party of Canada took the reigns, and have been a valuable ally to America in the War on Terror since 2001.
Until today.
Canada has granted the Conservative Party of Canada what they call a "majority government", a small win for Israel. The Conservative Party of Canada is Canada's only pro-Israel party that has seats in their parliament. Israel tends not to play a major role in Canadian politics, but they have been a valuable ally to Israel since the Conservative Party of Canada took the reigns, and have been a valuable ally to America in the War on Terror since 2001.
Monday, May 2, 2011
Just because he's dead doesn't mean it is over.
In the hours since Osama bin Laden was finally killed, I have seen all too many who seem to think that this means the war on terror is over. Nothing could be farther from the truth, and this idea isn't just foolish, it is downright stupid.
The head has been cut off of the snake, and perhaps that will harm them and maybe even lead to their ultimate destruction. But Islamic Jihad isn't nearly as simple as our older enemies who could clearly see a point when they were defeated. Unlike the Japanese or the Germans, Islamists fully believe that, no matter what, they will go to paradise for their actions
This mentality in our day means that they have absolutely no concern for the lives of anyone. Any Muslim killed when they act will be sent to paradise. The use of nuclear weapons, even if it involved murdering millions of Muslims but "only" thousands of non-Muslims, would be fully justifiable to these monsters.
If we get complacent now, that is the inevitable outcome. You only need a few people with that mindset to destroy entire cities. With the billions of people on this planet, and the thousands dedicated to the destruction of the West, complacency will cause that destruction.
Israel has been fighting terrorists for decades. The "Palestinians" were offered their own state back in 2000, complete with territory connecting Gaza with Judea and Samaria. The response? A terror war that claimed over 1000 innocent Israeli lives. Do a basic population comparison with America, and you get 30,000 Americans.
The demands of Muslim terrorists were met and the response was more terror. This will always be true. Unless all Muslim extremists are wiped from the face of the Earth, they will always have some problem with us. Even if they stop fighting us, they will push their indoctrinated populations to move in among us and slowly begin twisting our nations until there is nothing left of our former freedom. This has already happened in Turkey. A nation once seen as a hallmark of peace, democracy and stability in the Muslim world, it is now all but controlled by the Islamists.
The world has to make a choice. We can continue fighting until the war is won, or we can try to live in peace with people who wish us harm.
Just look at Israel to see how well that works.
The head has been cut off of the snake, and perhaps that will harm them and maybe even lead to their ultimate destruction. But Islamic Jihad isn't nearly as simple as our older enemies who could clearly see a point when they were defeated. Unlike the Japanese or the Germans, Islamists fully believe that, no matter what, they will go to paradise for their actions
This mentality in our day means that they have absolutely no concern for the lives of anyone. Any Muslim killed when they act will be sent to paradise. The use of nuclear weapons, even if it involved murdering millions of Muslims but "only" thousands of non-Muslims, would be fully justifiable to these monsters.
If we get complacent now, that is the inevitable outcome. You only need a few people with that mindset to destroy entire cities. With the billions of people on this planet, and the thousands dedicated to the destruction of the West, complacency will cause that destruction.
Israel has been fighting terrorists for decades. The "Palestinians" were offered their own state back in 2000, complete with territory connecting Gaza with Judea and Samaria. The response? A terror war that claimed over 1000 innocent Israeli lives. Do a basic population comparison with America, and you get 30,000 Americans.
The demands of Muslim terrorists were met and the response was more terror. This will always be true. Unless all Muslim extremists are wiped from the face of the Earth, they will always have some problem with us. Even if they stop fighting us, they will push their indoctrinated populations to move in among us and slowly begin twisting our nations until there is nothing left of our former freedom. This has already happened in Turkey. A nation once seen as a hallmark of peace, democracy and stability in the Muslim world, it is now all but controlled by the Islamists.
The world has to make a choice. We can continue fighting until the war is won, or we can try to live in peace with people who wish us harm.
Just look at Israel to see how well that works.
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Justice at last! OSAMA BIN LADEN IS DEAD!
The fight isn't over, but this is the beginning of the end. Cut off the head of the snake, and the body dies.
It doesn't mean we can be any less vigilant, but we now have justice for the thousands around the world who's deaths are on his hands.
The war will still go on. Israel has been fighting this war since 1948. America only got a taste of in 2001. For now, we can rejoice in the fact that Osama is dead.
May we bury him drenched in pig blood and wrapped in bacon.
The fight isn't over, but this is the beginning of the end. Cut off the head of the snake, and the body dies.
It doesn't mean we can be any less vigilant, but we now have justice for the thousands around the world who's deaths are on his hands.
The war will still go on. Israel has been fighting this war since 1948. America only got a taste of in 2001. For now, we can rejoice in the fact that Osama is dead.
May we bury him drenched in pig blood and wrapped in bacon.
Thursday, April 28, 2011
America and Egypt, friend and enemy.
America is Israel's only true ally, one who's support, while often misdirected toward futile peace efforts, still remains with Israel regardless of administration. Due to the unity deal between Fatah and Hamas, America is planning on doing what it should have done years ago; cut off funding to the "Palestinians".
Meanwhile, we learn that Israel will likely have to retake portions or all of the Sinai in the near future as Egypt promises unrestricted access to Gaza at the Rafah border crossing.
This is the folly of trading land for peace. With Muslim lands in permanent states of instability, any trade will ultimately end with Israel being forced to retake the land traded for peace in order to ensure security. Muslims will never accept Jews in their midst, and the only way to win this war that began in Auschwitz is to use overwhelming force to obliterate our enemies at the first signs of aggression. Don't give them a chance to attack us. If they use human shields, kill the shields, as those deaths are their fault, not ours.
There are no peace partners.
"The Palestinian Authority has chosen an alliance with violence and extremism over the democratic values that Israel represents," a bipartisan group of US lawmakers said on Thursday after a meeting in Tel Aviv with Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu.
The lawmakers were reacting to the new Palestinian unity deal which could imperil hundreds of millions of dollars in US aid if it gives a more prominent role to Hamas.
Democratic and Republican lawmakers in Washington warned US funding could not flow to a government that includes a group still on the US list of foreign terrorist organizations.
Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, the powerful Republican chairwoman of the House of Representatives Foreign Affairs Committee and a staunch defender of Israel, said US law required a halt to support for the Palestinian Authority.
"US taxpayer funds should not and must not be used to support those who threaten US security, our interests and our vital ally, Israel," Ros-Lehtinen said in a statement.
Nita Lowey, the senior Democrat on the House Appropriations subcommittee that approves foreign assistance, said any Palestinian unity deal with an unreformed Hamas "will be a death blow to the peace process."
Meanwhile, we learn that Israel will likely have to retake portions or all of the Sinai in the near future as Egypt promises unrestricted access to Gaza at the Rafah border crossing.
The Rafah crossing between Egypt and Gaza will open on a permanent basis within seven to ten days, Egyptian Foreign Minister Nabil Elaraby told Al-Jazeera during an interview Thursday.
He said during the interview that steps would be taken in order to alleviate the "suffering of the Palestinain people."
The opening of the crossing would allow greater freedom of movement for people on both sides of the border, as well as goods in and out of Gaza without Israeli permission.
This is the folly of trading land for peace. With Muslim lands in permanent states of instability, any trade will ultimately end with Israel being forced to retake the land traded for peace in order to ensure security. Muslims will never accept Jews in their midst, and the only way to win this war that began in Auschwitz is to use overwhelming force to obliterate our enemies at the first signs of aggression. Don't give them a chance to attack us. If they use human shields, kill the shields, as those deaths are their fault, not ours.
There are no peace partners.
UN supports unity of murderers.
The UN coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process has officially endorsed the unity deal between Hamas and Fatah.
So, what is actually being said here? That's simple. Serry is either brain dead, or he knows full well that this unity deal will not bring peace, but more war and bloodshed. In essence, Serry and the UN support this deal because it will give them more ammunition to use in their fight to delegitimize Israel, the only Jewish State in the world. In Serry's eyes, Jews aren't allowed to be anything other than victims.
Israel can in no way hold negotiations with Hamas. Holding negotiations with Fatah was already bad enough, when they refuse to actually negotiate in order to make Israel look bad and gain international support.
UN Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process Robert Serry said on Thursday that he supports Hamas and Fatah's efforts at unity, saying they were "overdue."
"Reunification is essential for achieving a two-state solution that should be reached through negotiations," Serry said in a statement, adding that he hopes that "reconciliation will now take place in a manner that promotes the cause of peace."
So, what is actually being said here? That's simple. Serry is either brain dead, or he knows full well that this unity deal will not bring peace, but more war and bloodshed. In essence, Serry and the UN support this deal because it will give them more ammunition to use in their fight to delegitimize Israel, the only Jewish State in the world. In Serry's eyes, Jews aren't allowed to be anything other than victims.
Israel can in no way hold negotiations with Hamas. Holding negotiations with Fatah was already bad enough, when they refuse to actually negotiate in order to make Israel look bad and gain international support.
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
The terrorists unite, hopes for peace end. (Updated!)
In order for their to be peace between Israel and the "Palestinians", the terrorist group Hamas cannot have anything to do with the "Palestinian" government. That's a simple fact, as Hamas' sole goal is the destruction of Israel through any means necessary. If this report is true, all hopes for peace have officially ended.
Should the PLO and Hamas reconcile, there will be no chance of peace, and Israel will be forced into another defensive war to protect Israeli civilians.
Update: All hopes for peace with "Palestinians" end as Hamas and PLO unity is confirmed!
Now there can never be peace, thanks to the actions of the "Palestinians" and their elected representatives. This is a declaration of war against Israel.
Drive them into the desert.
Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas's Fatah movement hammered an agreement with the rival Hamas group on Wednesday on forming an interim government and fixing a date for general election, Egyptian intelligence said.
"The consultations resulted in full understandings over all points of discussions, including setting up an interim agreement with specific tasks and to set a date for election," Egyptian intelligence said in a statement.
A Hamas delegation was reported to be in Cairo Tuesday for talks on Fatah-Hamas reconciliation.
The delegation, which was be headed by Musa Abu Marzouk, deputy head of Hamas’s political bureau, met with Egyptian Foreign Minister Nabil Elaraby and members of the ruling military council.
At the same time that the Hamas delegation was meeting with officials in Cairo, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas sat down with an Egyptian diplomat in Ramallah.
In the meeting with Egyptian Ambassador to the PA Yasser Othman, Abbas said, "Egypt is the backbone of our people's aspirations toward having an independent state with Jerusalem as its capital," official Palestinian Authority news agency WAFA reported.
On the meeting's agenda was reconciliation between Abbas' Fatah and Hamas rulers in the Gaza Strip.
Should the PLO and Hamas reconcile, there will be no chance of peace, and Israel will be forced into another defensive war to protect Israeli civilians.
Update: All hopes for peace with "Palestinians" end as Hamas and PLO unity is confirmed!
Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas's Fatah movement and its rival Hamas said on Wednesday they had resolved their deep divisions, opening the way for a unity government and national elections. The deal, which took many officials by surprise, was thrashed out in Egypt and followed a series of secret meetings. The two groups hammered out an agreement, setting the stage for forming an interim government as well as fixing a date for a general election. The accord was first reported by Egypt's intelligence service, which brokered the talks.
In a statement carried by the Egyptian state news agency MENA, the intelligence service said the deal was hatched by a Hamas delegation led by Moussa Abu Marzouk, deputy head of the group's politburo, and Fatah Central Committee member Azzam al-Ahmad.
"The consultations resulted in full understandings on all points of discussions, including setting up an interim agreement with specific tasks and to set a date for election," the statement said.
It said the agreement would allow Egypt to invite all Palestinian factions to sign a national reconciliation agreement in Cairo in the next few days.
Spokespeople for both Hamas and Fatah confirmed that "all differences" have been worked out between the long-feuding Palestinians political movements.
Now there can never be peace, thanks to the actions of the "Palestinians" and their elected representatives. This is a declaration of war against Israel.
Drive them into the desert.
Monday, April 18, 2011
There can be miracles When You Believe.
It is often difficult to believe in G-d. I myself doubt His existence, even as I thank Him for freeing us from Egypt and returning us to the Promised Land in 1948. Science has tried to explain away the plagues, and indeed, there is always doubt of HaShem's intervention. But that is the point of faith. There is no proof, there is always doubt. We continue to believe even with that doubt.
G-d gives us the tools to live free. He sent the Allies to destroy the Germans, and He protected us from the Arab Legion in the Independence War. With war after war of extermination, Israel has proven herself to be invincible. To me, the Hand of G-d is all over modern day Israel, who flourishes despite all of history saying that the Jewish people should never have survived those millenia of persecution.
There can be miracles when you believe. Israel is one of those miracles. If we continue to believe, if we continue to try and never give up, we can one day have Greater Israel and integrate the "Palestinian" population into Israeli society while still maintaining Israel as the Jewish State.
This is the end of my posts until after Pessah. To all who read this, and to all who don't, Chag Semeach!
Pass over: death of the first born.
The tenth plague is where the name of the holy days of Pessah comes from. G-d went among the people of Egypt and passed over the homes of the Hebrews, and He struck down the first born sons. Many people claim that G-d committed infanticide and is no better than the Egyptians. This is simply not the case. Pharaoh was given nine other chances to release the Hebrews, and then finally he ordered the murder of Hebrew children as his predecessor had. He brought the final plague upon Egypt, and no one can be blamed for those deaths other than Pharaoh.
Little Iranian man sticks foot in mouth.
Ahmadinejad has decided to make a fool of himself yet again, as he turns yet more of the world against him.
The era of Zionism has only just begun. Israel proved a simple fact in 1967 and 1973: the Jewish State is invincible. We are here to stay. The exile is over, permanently.
Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, addressing crowds gathered on Monday in honor of Iran's Army Day, stated that "the era of Zionism and capitalism has passed away."
Discussing the unrest sweeping Middle East and North Africa, Ahmadinejad pointed the finger of blame at the United States, accusing Obama and his government of conspiring to create a rift between Iran and other Arab nations.
Ahmadinejad's rhetoric has followed a similar theme in recent days.
In public speech last week, Iranian president says he envisions new Middle East without presence of Israel, US and their allies.
Hezbollah and Iranian Revolutionary Guard operatives plan to attack Western targets in the coming days, a Lebanese report said on last week.
The report was based on information gathered by Western intelligence agencies monitoring the “recent abnormal movements of cadres suspected of belonging to Hezbollah or the Iranian Revolutionary Guard,” the Beirut Observer website said.
The era of Zionism has only just begun. Israel proved a simple fact in 1967 and 1973: the Jewish State is invincible. We are here to stay. The exile is over, permanently.
Sunday, April 17, 2011
'Palestinians' are morally unprepared for a state.
At JPost, I found a very good column that seeks to examine whether or not the 'Palestinians' are morally prepared to run their own nation. The outcome is a resounding, 'No.'
Full column.
Israel has taken responsibility over the few in its midst that have crossed the line, but the "Palestinians" steadfastly refuse to do any such thing with themselves. For this reason alone, among many others, they will never be ready for their own nation. It would be better for Israel to annex the territory and give citizenship to those who wish to stay.
Full column.
Over the past couple of weeks, everyone from the World Bank to the International Monetary Fund and UN Mideast envoy Robert Serry has come out with reports declaring that Palestinian institutions are about ready for statehood.
“The PA is above the threshold for a functioning state in key sectors,” the Ad Hoc Liaison Committee – also known as the Donors Conference – said in a statement it released last week in Brussels after a meeting it held to assess the economic and institutional capacity of the Palestinian Authority.
But after the arrest of the Awad cousins from Awarta for the brutal, blood-chilling murder of five members of the Fogel family in Itamar – a mother, father, 11- and four-year-old boys, and a three-month-old baby girl – one might ask whether Palestinian society has moved beyond the threshold needed to become a functioning society.
And not only because of the murders – every society, including our own, has its sadistic murderers, though the hacking of a baby is particularly vicious and gruesome. Rather, it’s the way Palestinian society dealt with the murders and the murderers.
True, PA President Mahmoud Abbas and Prime Minister Salam Fayyad unequivocally condemned the killings. But no sooner had Abbas done so, then Palestinian voices were heard claiming it couldn’t be a Palestinian who killed the family. A Palestinian couldn’t murder in cold blood like that – it must have been a disgruntled Thai worker who didn’t get his wages.
Even on Sunday, when reporters went to the village of Awarta, some residents on camera denied that the murders in neighboring Itamar even took place. It was all an Israeli lie, a giant conspiracy. What murders?
Israel has taken responsibility over the few in its midst that have crossed the line, but the "Palestinians" steadfastly refuse to do any such thing with themselves. For this reason alone, among many others, they will never be ready for their own nation. It would be better for Israel to annex the territory and give citizenship to those who wish to stay.
Behold, the wrath of G-d.
While deviating heavily from history, I believe that this song and the clip of the middle 8 plagues perfectly captures G-d's war against the Egyptian empire. It also captures the terror felt by the innocent Egyptian people. It shows how the collective punishment of Egypt was the fault of only one man: Pharaoh. We do not rejoice in the plagues. Many innocents suffered over the arrogance and insecurity of a single man.
Boy injured in missile attack on school bus dies.
When the terrorists from Gaza deliberately targeted a school bus in order to kill children, there was thankfully only two people left on the bus. Sadly, the 16 year old boy who was injured in the attack has died.
The savages in Gaza will celebrate. The people of Israel shall morn.
Daniel Raphael Viflic, who was critically injured two weeks when his school bus received a direct hit from anti-tank missile fired from the Gaza Strip, died on Sunday.
Viflic, 16, suffered severe head trauma and was artificially respirated while unconscious at the scene. He was rushed to Soroka University Medical Center Hospital in Beersheba, where his family has been holding vigil for the past ten days. On April 12, the severity of his condition was upgraded to extremely critical, and doctors expressed concern that he had suffered irreparable brain damage.
The missile hit the bus moments after most of the children got off, while it was traveling near Kibbutz Saad about 2.5 km. from Gaza. Just two people were on the bus when it was hit – the driver, who was lightly injured, and the boy, who was en route to visit his grandmother.
The savages in Gaza will celebrate. The people of Israel shall morn.
Murderers of the Fogel family captured.
With no remorse and only wishing they could have murdered more, the animals that murdered the Fogel family have finally been captured.
There will be no justice for the children who remain. Nothing will bring back their parents and siblings. No punishment, not even death, is strong enough. As long as these terror groups exist, there will be no peace.
Two Palestinian youths from the village of Awarta were arrested in recent days for the brutal slaying of five members of the Fogel family in their Itamar home last month, the IDF and Shin Bet said on Sunday following the lifting of a media ban on the investigation.
The suspects have been named as Hakim Maazan Niad Awad, an 18-year-old high school student, and Amjad Mahmud Fauzi Awad, 19, both from the West Bank village of Awarta, located 2 kilometers south of the settlement of Itamar.
The suspects have confessed to the stabbings and reenacted their acts, security forces said on Sunday. According to Army Radio, they did not express remorse for their crimes.
They are affiliated with the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PLFP) terror group, and received significant assistance from family members and friends after the attack, security forces added.
According to Israel Radio, Amjad said that he was unaware that there were two other children in the house, and that if he knew, he would have stabbed them as well.
Transportation Minister Yisrael Katz on Sunday expressed his condolences once again to the Fogel family after the announcement of the arrests.
Katz told Army Radio, "To those Palestinians who said 'it can't be one of us' [who committed the crime], well it turned out to be one of you."
There will be no justice for the children who remain. Nothing will bring back their parents and siblings. No punishment, not even death, is strong enough. As long as these terror groups exist, there will be no peace.
The Burning Bush
One of the few men in history to have directly spoken to G-d. The narrative is altered, but the message is the same.
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Pessah fast approaching.
From nightfall April 18 to nightfall April 26, I will have no activity on this blog, nor on the Facebook account or email. Pessah is too holy of a time to argue about politics.
Between now and then, I will place up a few videos of music pieces from one of my favourite movies, The Prince of Egypt. While the movie deviates heavily from the history in the Torah, the message is, I feel, the same. No one has the right to enslave others, especially on the nation-wide scale of much of human history. Freedom is a gift from G-d to all people, as long as they are willing to respect the freedom of others.
Between now and then, I will place up a few videos of music pieces from one of my favourite movies, The Prince of Egypt. While the movie deviates heavily from the history in the Torah, the message is, I feel, the same. No one has the right to enslave others, especially on the nation-wide scale of much of human history. Freedom is a gift from G-d to all people, as long as they are willing to respect the freedom of others.
Obama compares Pessah to extremist backed uprisings and military coups.
I doubt Obama intended to be this stupid and offensive, but none-the-less, he was.
Pessah is certainly about liberation and freedom, but the revolutions occurring across the Middle East are nothing of the sort. Egypt was taken over by the military and the leading politicians for the upcoming election are whomever takes the strongest stances against Israel. The Libyan rebellion is being backed by the Muslim Brotherhood and it's child organization, Al Qaeda. The protests in Syria are against a secular (and evil) regime, fueled by the Muslim Brotherhood and other extremists.
The simple fact of the matter is that these protests and revolutions are not working their way towards peace and freedom. They are working their way towards more of the same corruption, extremism and tyranny. Only this time, the new regimes will be even more extremist. The peace that Israel worked so hard to attain with its neighbours is now eroding, and war is on the horizon thanks to what is now occurring.
The US president associated the Pessah theme of liberation and freedom to the recent "social transformation" occurring across the Middle East, saying he prays for Israel and its neighbors, while "reaffirming our enduring commitment to Israel's security."
Pessah is certainly about liberation and freedom, but the revolutions occurring across the Middle East are nothing of the sort. Egypt was taken over by the military and the leading politicians for the upcoming election are whomever takes the strongest stances against Israel. The Libyan rebellion is being backed by the Muslim Brotherhood and it's child organization, Al Qaeda. The protests in Syria are against a secular (and evil) regime, fueled by the Muslim Brotherhood and other extremists.
The simple fact of the matter is that these protests and revolutions are not working their way towards peace and freedom. They are working their way towards more of the same corruption, extremism and tyranny. Only this time, the new regimes will be even more extremist. The peace that Israel worked so hard to attain with its neighbours is now eroding, and war is on the horizon thanks to what is now occurring.
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Another Gaza invasion?
As the terrorists in Gaza continue to launch rockets at innocent Israelis, Israel is threatening another ground invasion.
This is quite simple. If the terrorists in Gaza stop shooting rockets, the air strikes will stop. Simple as that. Israel has no interest in waging another bloody war, but she will if the terrorists force her to.
Meanwhile, people who boycott Israeli goods continue to purchase goods from the invaders of Tibet.
Over 120 rockets and mortar shells slammed into Israel over the weekend as the IDF hammered the Gaza Strip and threatened to open a large ground offensive to stop the rocket attacks.
Five Israelis were reportedly wounded when scrambling to enter bomb shelters as rockets were being fired.
This is quite simple. If the terrorists in Gaza stop shooting rockets, the air strikes will stop. Simple as that. Israel has no interest in waging another bloody war, but she will if the terrorists force her to.
Meanwhile, people who boycott Israeli goods continue to purchase goods from the invaders of Tibet.
The mind of Hamas.
I found this amazing column on the Jerusalem Post. It is a perfect example of what Hamas terrorists think about.
It sums up how the terrorists think perfectly. The fact of the matter is, if Israel were to put down her weapons tomorrow, Israel would disappear. But, if the Arabs were to put down their weapons tomorrow, there would be peace, and even a "Palestine".
Those fiendish Jews. They are making it so hard for us to kill them.
They pulled every last father, mother and child out of the Gaza Strip, where we could get at them easily. They pulled their army out too.
Every last tank, every last soldier. The only one we’ve got here now is Gilad Schalit.
Some of them thought that this might sate our ambitions. Idiots. They thought the “international community” would give us hell if we carried on trying to kill them. Fools. Of course we weren’t going to stop, and of course no one was going to stop us. We won’t stop till we’ve terrorized them all the way out of Palestine. And it’s not like we’re making any secret of that; it’s all there in our charter.
But, heaven help us, they don’t shift easily. And they do value life.
Even our people’s.
We make sure our fighters are surrounded by women and children before we open fire. We make sure our fighters are indistinguishable from civilians; no uniforms for us. And still those Jews insist on holding their return fire unless they can be reasonably sure they’ll only kill our men. Unbelievable: We’re doing everything we can to get our ordinary people killed, and they’re doing everything they can not to kill them. What kind of upside-down world is this?
How do they even know who our fighters are? Think of the resources they’re expending making sure they don’t kill the wrong people! Thank goodness the rest of the world is too dumb or too blinkered to internalize what’s going on; thank goodness they still haven’t figured out that we’re deliberately putting our people in harm’s way and those Jewsare doing their best not to harm them.
And as for their lives? Like I said, it’s just getting harder and harder to kill them. They have early-warning systems and alarms and bomb shelters and safe rooms and protective concrete cubes and fantastic, heroic medical services. Just imagine, if we adopted those kinds of measures, we’d have none of our people killed, and then where would we be?
Come to think of it, we wouldn’t need to adopt any of those measures if we just stopped shooting at them. It’s not as though they’d shoot first. But if we stopped firing, how could we complain to the world about those vicious Zionist enemies? How could we keep the UN and the rest of those suckers on our side? How could we keep the Jew-hatred at fever pitch among our people? How could we serve our noble, bloody cause?
But, damn them and their clever innovations, they haven’t stopped with the alarms and the shelters. Now they’ve come up with this “Iron Dome” gadget.
In a million years, we didn’t think it would work. They’re going to fire rockets at our rockets and shoot them out of the sky?
Yeah, right. This isn’t Xbox or PlayStation. Last time I looked, it was a pretty big sky out there.
But bless my soul, they’ve managed it. Ten of our rockets blasted out of the air in the past two days alone. Nauseating. We were sure we’d have some meaty kills out of those salvoes.
I mean, it’s not even supposed to be working properly yet; it’s still in the experimental stage; the Israeli media were laughing at its developers; they were certain it was useless.
Sometimes, I swear, I start to wonder if God’s on their side. Crazy, huh? I don’t know what’s getting into me. But look at the evidence: This weekend we had a Grad land near a kibbutz administration building. We got one right next to a school in Ofakim. Not a single fatality. A few minutes earlier on Thursday, we might have had a bus full of schoolkids near Kibbutz Sa’ad. But no, they got off just before we hit that bright yellow, sitting- duck target, and all we got was one teenager and the driver.
What? What’s that you say? Put the weapons away? Internalize the sanctity of human life?
That’s ridiculous talk. Next you’ll be telling me to make peace with them. To acknowledge that they have the right to live here. To build a state alongside theirs. To give our people a better future. To turn our attention away from war and violence and death and killing, toward something productive.
Never, I tell you. Never.
It sums up how the terrorists think perfectly. The fact of the matter is, if Israel were to put down her weapons tomorrow, Israel would disappear. But, if the Arabs were to put down their weapons tomorrow, there would be peace, and even a "Palestine".
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