Thursday, June 9, 2011

The UN will never be a force for peace.

As it stands, the United Nations is permanently incapable of being a force for peace. Staffed by dictatorships, supporters of dictatorships and heavily influenced by Antisemitism, it won't even be able to do anything about the fact that Syria was trying to build nuclear weapons.

The UN nuclear watchdog board reported Syria to the Security Council on Thursday for covert atomic work, a US-led move coinciding with Western condemnation of Damascus's crackdown on opposition protests.

Russia and China voted against the proposal at the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), highlighting big-power divisions that may augur vetoes of any punitive measures by the UN council in New York.

China and Russia will simply vote to protect Syria. The UN has never come to the aid of Israel, only interfering in wars when Israel is winning, never when Israel is losing. Israel seriously needs to reconsider any commitments to this vile and evil institution.

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