Friday, May 6, 2011

Europe funds "Palestinian" terrorists.

Following the unity deal between Hamas and Fatah, proving once and for all that the "Palestinians" only interest is in the destruction of Israel, the EU has shown who they support as well - the terrorists.

BRUSSELS - The European Union said on Friday it would provide an extra 85 million euros ($124 million) to the Palestinian Authority to help pay salaries of essential workers and to support vulnerable families.

The move was decided on after Israel on Sunday blocked the transfer of $105 million in customs duties and other levies it collects on behalf of the Palestinian Authority, following a deal to reunite the two rival Palestinian wings.

A European Commission statement said the EU funds were being advanced under an accelerated procedure at the request of Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Salam Fayyad to meet urgent financial needs.

The British blocked our access to our homeland and we had to defeat them in a war. The French handed us over to the Germans to be slaughtered. The Germans did the slaughtering and the Polish let most of it happen on their soil. The Allies refused to bomb Auschwitz to stop the slaughter. Europeans can't be trusted. This proves that they are our enemies. All European Jewry should make Aliyah.

To make that easier, Israel should weaken the Rabbinate and expand the definition of who is a Jew, not just for immigration, but for the religious laws of Israel as well.

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