Saturday, March 12, 2011

Hamas and Palestinians celebrate murder of 1 month old infant.

While the Palestinian Authority is claiming that they condemn the recent murder of a family of five, their rivals in the Gaza Strip and the people they claim to represent are celebrating.

PA officials in Ramallah expressed skepticism over a statement released by Fatah’s armed wing, Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, in which it claims responsibility for the killings.

The statement said that the “heroic” operation was a “natural response to massacres committed by the occupation against our people in the Gaza Strip and West Bank. It added that the perpetrator managed to return to his base safely.

However, the officials said that a Fatah group was behind the attack. They pointed out that there was a possibility that the attack was carried out by members of Hamas or Islamic Jihad in the West Bank.

Hamas also hailed the attack as a “heroic operation” and “natural response to Israeli crimes and massacres.” In Rafah, some Palestinians took to the streets to celebrate the killings and handed sweets to passersby and drivers, eyewitnesses reported.

That's right. According to these monsters, murdering infants is a "heroic operation". The "Palestinians" support the use of these tactics. For a photographic example of "Palestinian" barbarity, click here to see the 2000 lynching of two Israeli reservists who's crime was making a wrong turn. WARNING! Very graphic and disturbing content! The "Palestinians" LITERALLY ripped these men apart with their BARE HANDS.

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